I'm back! I just spent the entire week in Virginia with my best friend, Jackie, her 3 girls (6, 2, and 3 weeks), and Little S! We were busy to say the least. And with Jackie nursing and me pregnant, neither of us could indulge in the hard drinks we craved at the end of a day with four children. Moms who do it all the time, I commend you! Both of us were having back pain, neither of us were sleeping... and kids? Well, they go to bed late and wake up early no matter what ails mommas. Lucky me, though! Jackie is a professional photographer and I was blessed enough to have her snap some belly shots for my 24 week update! These aren't edited and she was standing in her driveway about 7 minutes after crawling out of bed and she still managed to make me look better than in any photo I can take! Can't wait to share the ones she took of Little S at the river with you this week!
tee: Old Navy, tank: Old Navy, jeans: Motherhood, flats: Target, necklace: The Word Jewelry
Bean and I are doing well. I read in my Babycenter update this morning that she weighs a little over a pound, is as long as a cob of corn, and my uterus is the size of a soccer ball. Seriously? Soccer ball?! I was looking at these photos and thinking, "Why in the world do I look like I'm carrying around a soccer ball at six months pregnant?" Well, Babycenter gave me my answer. I met a very snide lady at WalMart over the course of the week and I've decided I'll no longer be sharing my due date with the general public. She asked when I was due, and when I told her she said, "Oh... wow." Yes, I'm huge. But I'm also 4'10 1/2"-ish. I don't have the space to grow up and down like most women, so I grow straight out. It's physics. Not rocket science. Or maybe it's geometry or something... I'm not good at science. But these are cold, hard facts! When one's torso is only 8 inches long (I'm probably exaggerating), the baby is going to take up a lot more front to back space. ie: Brutal low back pain. Yes, that's still happening. Oh, and I finally have an appetite. I don't know why I say "finally," though, because I'm not super excited about it.
This week's exciting revelation: I think I officially look pregnant and should no longer have any confusing looks from bystanders wondering, "Is she preggers or just fat?"
Craving: Pineapple, watermelon, salad with oil and vinegar, water, diet root beer
Special thanks to Jackie for taking my photos and letting me crash her pad for the last week!
Stay tuned for Monday's post (more photos from Jackie) for an awesome giveaway by Scarlet Samples!
P.S.- Super exciting: I won We Love Colors' Curvy Girl of the Month for March!!!
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Just like Ke$ha (minus the craziness and whatnot), YOUR LOVE is my drug!