Yesterday, I received a box of lots of fun make-up from e.l.f. that was sent to me by my sweet friend, Vanessa! Little S. freaked out, immediately, over the Bright Trio nail polish set, while I was swooning over everything, especially the amazing eyeshadow pallet! So what did we do? Of course, we painted our nails! Little S. was very patient while I painted her toenails AND fingernails. She got the color on my pointer finger, which came in the e.l.f. Bright Trio set. It's called Bright Coral. The three colors in the middle of my hands and toes were in the trio set, while my thumb and pinky are painted with colors I already owned. I know the pinky color is a bit dark for the ombre' effect, but I did my best with what I had.
What do you think?
Yes, I'm doing a Lady Gaga Little Monsters claw. What say you of it?
I'm pretty certain I'm going to love playing with this effect throughout the summer. On my list is a set with blues, turquoises, and greens!
It's a busy day with working half a day, going home for the second half to shower, pack, hem a skirt and get ready for our department's graduation ceremony, then leaving for the beach! But no worries, once I get the skirt finished and get dressed, I'll be SURE to post an OOTD, this evening! And don't forget to stop back by tomorrow for this week's Intense Adoration post!
You also HAVE to go to Amazon and buy Kori's new book, Murder on the Boulevard! I'm SO proud of her and will be making the purchase for my Kindle app, this afternoon!
AND don't forget to head over to Blonde Episodes and link up to Kori's Fashion Friday!
I'm also getting some really amazing entries for the Nanny Style Contest, so if you haven't entered, yet, you should! Not only are you inspiring me to stay well-dressed while I change jobs, but Polyvore is just REALLY fun. Don't believe me? Try it out! And I'm calling Whitney out, because she said she was going to submit a set and I haven't seen one, yet. Ahem, best friend? Get on it. Please and thank you. (I love you.)
Don't forget to stop back by, later, to see my graduation ceremony outfit!
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Just like Ke$ha (minus the craziness and whatnot), YOUR LOVE is my drug!