Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Day in the Life Too... Realistic Momma Style

Good morning, friends! It's hubby's and my 5th anniversary week (actual day- Friday) and I've lined up some lovely guest posters to handle the week while I pack and get out of town! Today's featured blogger is Brittney of A Day in the Life Too... and she's here to talk to you a little about some realistic momma style!

Hey guys, Brittney here from A Day in the Life Too... I'm a mom of three young kidlets and I don't run around naked every day (you're welcome, world), so I told Kimberly I'd be happy to write up a post about Realistic Momma Style: comfort, wearability, and versatility.
So. Here are my go-to Momma Style pieces.

1. Dark skinny jeans. Especially with fall just around the corner, these puppies are invaluable. They go with anything, they require virtually no brainwork to style (some days I let my brain sleep in a bit while I get dressed. It's only a problem when, at lunchtime, I look down and find myself in something like this), and they're both casual and chic, sometimes at the same time. Hello. Yes please.

2. Skirts. They're cool in summer, cute (with tights) in winter, and always in style. I used to reserve skirts for Sundays only, which now seems odd to me. I mean, it's just as easy for busy moms to throw on a skirt as a pair of jeans, and they're so much more feminine, colorful, and fun! And you can still play barbies, legos, or driveway-basketball. Seriously. Wear skirts, moms! Don't wait for an "occasion"...unless you're like me, in which a trip to the grocery store is absolutely an occasion. (What can I say? I live an awesome life.)

3. Shoes. Sometimes, if I have nothing too crazy going on, I'll wear "non-mommy" shoes, like heels. Because they're sassy and awesome. But sometimes, let's face it, sassy shoes just aren't going to cut it for what I've got going on that day, so I'll do something like pull on a pair of Chucks (which doubles as a throwback to my teen-hood). Sometimes sandals. Sometimes boots. What I've discovered is that an otherwise "dressy"(ish) outfit can be made pretty cashe based upon the footwear you choose.

4. Fun. My kids compliment me on the oddest days, fashion-wise, and I just barely put my finger on it a month or two ago: When I was having a good time getting myself dressed, my kids must've sensed it and, despite the outfit's actual outcome, decided I looked good. (On an unrelated note, we've made a special eye doctor's appointment for my son...)

Welp. That's about all I got. Any other ideas? I'd love to hear them.
Thanks, Kimberly, for letting me come chat about mommyhood and style. To the rest of you: Come on by my blog if you'd like! Sometimes my humor isn't even lame. Sometimes...

A big thanks to sweet, sweet, Brittney for guest posting while I'm preparing for cabin-dom! Isn't here style SO COOL? Please check out her blog- you won't be sad you did! xoxo.
Please check out the upcoming Old to New in October project!!!

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