Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Trendy Tots Tuesday: All Bows

There's nothing girlier than bows and sparkles and Little S. had both at church on Sunday. We got this sparkly sweater dress from Aunt Whitney (who's in ITALY right now... lucky) last Christmas and although it's a 2T, Little S. hasn't been able to wear it until now. Usually, Target 2T clothing is pretty streamlined, but for some reason this dress just ran really big and I'm so glad it'll be perfect for the holiday season this year!

We also have been blessed with cool enough weather to start wearing our We Love Colors tights, again! Little S. was very pleased to pick out the tights she wore with her dress. I let her choose from her entire collection, since with an all black dress, she couldn't go wrong! She looked like a little slice of Christmas hope, which you all know how much I love that time of year!

dress: Target via Aunt Whitney
tights: c/o We Love Colors
bow: local artist
shoes: Wal-Mart
necklace: gift from Grandma

Sundays are my favorite because we all love going to church so much. Little S. tells me she "dances with Jesus," which I think is the sweetest and most honest thing in the world. I tell her I dance with Jesus, too. Because I JAM during the music sesh. And who doesn't love getting dressed up to celebrate the Man, himself? It's such a win-win.

Is your little one looking like a cutie? Link up with Trendy Tots Tuesday and show us how adorable your sweetie is!