Monday, October 15, 2012

New Fabrics at Bitty Bug Designs!

Self promo? Sure thing! I've had a serious case of the Mondays, today. I didn't even know SAHMs had "Mondays." This morning, S fell asleep in the car on the way to school, leading up to a tantrum in the drop-off line. Awesome. Then, I headed to the ever-dreaded Walmart, begrudgingly had to nurse Bean in the bathroom, changed her diaper, which resulted in two poops and a change into the third and last diaper I packed for the trip. Shopping commenced and after standing in the checkout line for fifteen minutes, unloading my goods onto the conveyer belt, I realized that my card AND checkbook were on my desk... at home. I unloaded the conveyer belt and repacked my cart, left it at customer service, and carried my screaming infant to the car. There, I realized she blew out of her *last* diaper AND jammies. She rode home completely naked, sitting on a receiving blanket that I laid in the car seat. Eventually, when I returned to Walmart, I had to get new milk and coffee creamer, which took me right past crafting supplies. Face palm. I totally spent way more money than I intended. 
In celebration of my fabulous Monday, I am going to share the new fabric stock in my shop, Bitty Bug Designs. Check them out, like my page (please), and buy stuff! Mama's gotta make some money to fund the bills!
Anyone else have a bad case of the Mondays, today?
I hope not!

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Just like Ke$ha (minus the craziness and whatnot), YOUR LOVE is my drug!