Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Featured on Emilina Sassperina, Today!

Friends, I do plan to have a regular post for you, this evening!
However, my new and sweet friend, Emily, has featured me in a blogger spotlight over at 

I can't get over how darn CUTE she is!

Please go check it out. Her questions were awesome!
If you're not already a follower of Emilina Sassperina, you should definitely give her blog a read! She's adorable, inspirational, has very creative style, and also blogs about her weight loss journey, which you all know is something dear to my heart.

Thanks, Emily!


  1. I'm so glad you liked the post!! :) :) You're awesome!

  2. She has a really cute blog, and is super nice.
    My Heart Blogged

  3. I LOVE her...shes a super sweet friend indeed!! Off to check out the feature:)

    Stop by and say Hello:)
    Statements in Fashion Blog♥


Just like Ke$ha (minus the craziness and whatnot), YOUR LOVE is my drug!