Tuesday, April 19, 2011

And It's a Stray for the Win

Stray hair, that is. Check it out (or them, to be more specific).
Monday hair, meet my friends. Friends, meet Monday hair. Yes, I know that it's now Tuesday, but this is yesterday's outfit, hence the Monday hair. I got up, started flat ironing it, my bangs were sticking straight out like buck bangs (think buck teeth, but hairy forehead style), and I said, "Fuggetaboutit." Headband, hair tie, out the door.
If it could only have really been that easy...

But nothing says, "Hello, Week! I'm gonna kick your behind all the way to the weekend!" like a bright yellow cropped cardigan. Am I right? Especially when said cardigan was on clearance at Charlotte Russe and is the exact color that I've been drooling over for months. In the bag? Yes, please. Don't mind the hangerless (Oh my gosh, crisis! I ran out of hangers!) closet or the angry husband. Yellow cropped cardi came home with me and is happy being folded on a shelf for now.

dress: Motherhood 
(no, I'm not pregnant. yes, I make clothes work for all seasons of life.)
cardigan: Charlotte Russe (mighta mentioned that, already)
sandals: Target
headband: Walgreen's
cameo earrings: Charlotte Russ

I totally meant to wear a necklace, but like I said, mornings aren't super easy around these parts of North Carolina. I have to do A LOT of stuff for ze dahling Little S. and ze dahling Little Poochie before I even think about getting ze Little Self ready. The two of them are living the high life and I'm living the morning after Ke$ha's latest night out look. Eh, you win some and lose some. 
Yellow cardigan totally trumps stray hairs for the win, right?

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Just like Ke$ha (minus the craziness and whatnot), YOUR LOVE is my drug!